
Information on the way our actions impact the environment, dealing with ecological sustainability, animal rights, and the threats of climate change.

Secret Life and Language of Trees

The Life and Language of Trees: Connecting With Our Roots

You want to know why so many people are discontent and angry? Why so many of us are lost, confused, apathetic, uninspired, and continuously disappointed? The answer rests in our disconnection with nature. I’ve been wanting to shed some more light on this subject for some time, and after a long meditation this morning I

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Insects Vanishing Around the Globe

Insects Vanishing Around the Globe: Climate Change Rampages On

If you’ve been paying attention, it’s impossible not to have noticed one stark change in the environment over the past couple of decades: the drastic loss in insect life. Despite not really reading anything on the subject, I had my suspicions that something was wrong as far back as 2009, but with recent reports coming

Insects Vanishing Around the Globe: Climate Change Rampages On Read More »

Climate Change Denial

The Money Behind Climate Change Denial: Willful Ignorance For Profit

It’s come out recently that a vast majority of the pseudo-science behind “climate change denial” is in fact funded by certain right-leaning donors who are sympathetic to the fossil fuel industry. Some of these industries directly contribute to and fund “research” that is designed to skew reality and produce results that favor them. This is

The Money Behind Climate Change Denial: Willful Ignorance For Profit Read More »