Releasing Trauma

Fight Emotional Extortion

How to Fight Against Emotional Extortion

Knowing how to deal with the negative energy and mind games of narcissists is essential for successfully moving through life. After all, unless you plan to live alone on a mountaintop, you’re going to have to deal with toxicity. You are bound to come across negative-minded individuals that use emotional extortion, guilt tripping, gaslighting, and

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Creating an Empowered Life

Creating an Empowered Life Through Force of Will

An empowered life is one where you are content and in control from moment to moment. While such an idea might sound out of reach if you struggle with self-confidence, such a life can be yours if you choose. I’m not making light of the situation. I understand the pain of low self-esteem and weakness,

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Building Inner Strength

Building Inner Strength That Eliminates Adversity

Inner strength is a key component to a fulfilling life, because adversity is always going to be a factor. Nowhere is it written that life was meant to be easy. On the contrary, nature makes it quite clear that life is a beautiful dance of struggle and pleasure. Adversity is in part what defines your

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What is Trauma Bonding

What is Trauma Bonding? Escape Your Emotional Prison

Unhealthy attachment to someone caused by extreme emotional episodes is what we call trauma bonding. Typically, this unhealthy bonding occurs when a victim of emotional abuse deeply relates to their abuser. This kind of bonding is common among victims of narcissistic abuse, because abusers tend to rely on codependency to get what they want. When

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