There’s a whole lot more to food than nutritional content. A so-called “food” can be created in a lab and be injected with all kinds of vitamins and minerals, but chemically speaking, it’s dead. The difference between living and dead food is stark, and of great importance if we are to understand proper health for the human body.
You may have heard the term before: living food. What exactly does this mean? Are we supposed to go out and catch a squirrel in our jaws and eat it raw? Not quite (although there are some carnivorous animals who would salivate at the thought!)
To eat living food means to consume that which still has ongoing cellular activity, the transmission of electrons, and / or some kind of biochemical process. In other words, real food.
Living Food is in Reality, the Only Real Food
This is an important distinction. We call a lot of different kinds of substances “food” in our society that have no real business being labeled as such. Food has come to mean basically anything we stick in our mouths to fill our stomachs and keep us going. Yes, in its broadest sense, this definition works. But if we are talking about health and biology, most of the typical Western diet does not consist of food.
Just about every living creature on this planet evolved to make use of living substances as food. Either the vibrant, electrically charged fruits and leaves of the plant world, or from the pulsing blood and flesh of other living beings.
These substances are “alive” in every sense of the word. They have cellular activity and therefore an electrical charge, they have “living” enzymes and compounds full of moving nutrients and energy.
The difference between living and dead food is perhaps most stark on the subatomic level. The “energy” of a lab-constructed pastry created with bleached flour and a bunch of empty chemicals versus that of an apple just plucked from a tree are like night and day. One is a vibrant, living substance full of concentrated energy. The other is an empty husk of neutral, even dead energy. It’s the subatomic equivalent of eating cardboard.
It was never about nutrients, if we’re being serious about health. Modern nutritional science has people obsessed with arbitrary statistics like calorie intake and how much protein and Vitamin B6 something has.
You’d be much better off simply eating living food from the Earth rather than trying to get your USDA recommended value of dead chemicals.
Here’s something you probably didn’t know: the nutritional content of food (what is written on the nutrition facts label) is merely the measurement of particular chemical compounds (vitamins, minerals, and other compounds) found in the food. It does NOT reflect how much of said nutrient you will absorb and assimilate by eating the food.
Just because a bowl of cereal says it has this litany of healthy substances in it does not mean your body will be able to extract them from the dried wheat-germ flakes and dead puffs of chemically modified weeks-dead corn. In fact, given the widespread evidence of malnutrition and nutritional deficiencies present in most of the West, it is safe to assume our bodies don’t make much use of this stuff.
Our cells work overtime to extract what paltry dead nutrients they can from the wasteland of our breakfast cereals and cooked flesh, and shoulder on, developing all kinds of bodily issues over the long term. Let it be known: just because a food claims to be healthy doesn’t mean our bodies can make heads or tails of it during the digestive process. We evolved to extract nutrients from water-soluble fruits full of living phytonutrients, not chemically dead hunks of flour and refined sugar.
You’re Eating Mummified Food
We know that if a fruit or a dead animal is left on the ground in its natural state, it will soon decay. A fruit or leaf, detached from the plant that gives it life, only has a few hours before decay sets in. Some fruits with thick rinds or shells, such as coconuts, have a longer lifespan, but in general, as soon as the source of life is cut off from a plant, it decays pretty rapidly. An animal body decays just as fast.
But yet the food you find in the typical supermarket may have been on the shelf for a week or more. The fruit filling in pastries, meat in soups, and all kinds of other processed foods, have a shelf life of weeks or even months. How is this possible?
Well first of all, it’s obvious that this is dead food. There’s nothing alive in a can of condensed soup or a Pop-Tart. In fact, the amount of nutrients we can extract from such foods is extremely questionable. To our bodies, it’s a foreign substance that may or may not have trace nutrients in it, but it is anything but food. Keep this in mind.
As for the shelf life and state of our food in supermarkets and stores across the country, the answer is in the chemical preparation.
There was a technique of bodily preservation in the ancient past known as mummification. By the use of certain chemicals, bodies were either inject with or covered in substances that would preserve their structural integrity. In other words, the goal of the chemicals was to “freeze” the cells and kill bacteria that eats decaying matter.
However, the composition of the body itself was still chemically dead. Cellular activity ceases, nutrients calcify and coagulate, and the energy departs. A lion would be able to eat a mummy, but it would not be a satisfying experience, and it would not supply the lion with what it needs to be healthy in the long-term.
This would be the equivalent of eating beef jerky. We may call it meat, but energy-wise, it’s nothing but a foreign substance that may contain trace nutrients. Our cells look at such “foods” with a questioning eye, like “this is really all you have to give us? Oh well.”
Modern day mummification takes place every day: it’s in your food. With the use of substances like salt, nitrates, benzoic acid, and other agents, fruits, vegetables, and meats are preserved in such a way that their structure remains intact even if their actual chemical structure becomes very different than what it was when the food was alive.
This is perhaps most stark with meats, which require a ton of chemicals such as nitrates to keep it from decaying and to keep it looking a certain way. The hocks of meat you find in supermarkets would be greenish and grey, and full of the tender beginnings of new bacterial and larval life after only a day or two were it not for the “wonders” of modern science. These natural processes are avoided only with great effort. In other words, mummification.
So it’s important not to trust a nutrition label at face value if you want to understand nutrition, the state of food, and what we can extract from it. Yes, a raw fruit is still better to eat than some chemically-manifested fruit-pastry in a box, but aim for organic and locally sourced.
The further your food gets from its living source, the less useful it is for your body.
What’s worse, it’s not just that these foods are of no use to our bodies, they are a detriment. It takes a lot of energy and resources to digest and dispose of these empty, mummified foods. They are almost always acidic in nature, which means that our body has to leech minerals from our bones and cellular reserves just to dampen the acidity and keep our bodily pH balanced. These dead foods literally kill you slowly. You are what you eat: if you consume death, death follows. This is not hyperbole, but stark fact.
Purpose of Eating is Energy, Not Nutrition
If your body was designed to get its energy and resources from the food it eats, obviously it has to expend energy and resources to digest or quarantine dead food and chemicals. Following this logic it becomes clear why so many people are unhealthy.
On the physical level, we can see how chemicals and acidic foods affect the body. Our cells actually become defective if not given the proper nutrition, their electrical signals begin to fire wrong, they duplicate in abnormal ways, and they can even begin eating each other. This is the decay of the body caused by an acidic environment, the cause of which is an improper diet.
You can eat all the “nutrients” you want, but if you are only eating those nutrients in an artificial form, you are not going to be at peak health unless you are absorbing ample energy in some other fashion, such as with meditation / yoga. The entire purpose behind eating is much deeper than just giving our bodies a few “scientifically labeled” Vitamins.
Even on the purely physical / nutritional side of things, we extract a lot more substances from our foods than mainstream nutritional science would have you believe. Fruits and vegetables are full of all kinds of amino acids, antioxidants, and phytonutrients, sometimes hundreds of undocumented and unlabeled plant-based substances that our bodies are craving and need in order to properly function. Many of these precious nutrients are also the first ones to break down and disappear when food is dead, chemically preserved, or cooked.
As important as these nutrients are, it’s crucial that we look at what’s going on “behind the scenes.” Keeping an animal such as ourselves alive is an ongoing process of give and take with the universe.
Our subatomic energy bodies are in a constant exchange with the world around us. Our energy leaves us and we replenish ourselves through our food, thought, rest, connection with nature and other beings. This unspoken of dance is at thee heart of our health: if the process is disrupted, it can cause serious issues.
One of the biggest problems is quite simply, as animals, we are not getting enough energy. We aren’t replenishing ourselves. Our food is dead, we don’t sleep enough, we never go outside. Our bodies are starving.
When speaking about what our bodies need, it’s important that we look at the situation from a bigger perspective than just “nutritional content.” Though this is important, it’s not necessarily what we evolved to consume. Ultimately, it’s the vibration level of food that is what we are seeking, and in that manner, nutritional content falls into place naturally. If you eat for a high vibration, you will give your body the fundamental fuel it needs to do what it needs to do. Then you can start to look at different foods and contemplate their nutritional value.
It’s also important to note that most fruits and vegetables have trace amounts of everything we need to survive in their fresh, living form.
Keep in mind, we are not so different than gorillas, and they derive the vast bulk of their nutrients from mere tree leaves. Same for all of the animals that eat primarily a grass-based diet. It’s not so much which good food you eat, so long as you eat plenty of it.
To make a point, even apples and oranges have about 5% protein content in them. These are foods not typically thought of as being full of protein, but they are our ideal food. Fruits and vegetables are what our bodies our biologically designed to eat. The problem many people (including vegans) face is not one of nutrition, but one of absorption.
Even if you eat a healthy diet, the nutrients are useless if you aren’t absorbing them. The lack of absorption is brought about by reduced cellular function. Eating a diet full of dead food slows your bodily processes to a crawl and inhibits your cells’ ability to digest and convert nutrients.
If we were free of blockages, we could survive quite happily on nothing but young tender plant leaves (like baby kale) and bananas. That’s literally all we need. But because of our inhibited digestive system, we go to great lengths to meet our nutritional requirements, and still many fall short.
It’s not uncommon, for example, for new vegans to obsess over their nutrient levels. What they don’t understand is, nutritional deficiencies don’t manifest overnight, nor do they heal overnight. Most people who go to their doctors to get their levels tested never did so prior to being vegan, and falsely attribute their deficiencies to their vegan diet. The fact is, most Americans are nutritionally deficient, some clinically so.
Disease, in most of its manifestations, is simply the body exhibiting symptoms of some kind of nutritional deficiency. The culprit is absorption: the ability to take in nutrients and use them.
Once the body is at a certain point, nutritional absorption becomes difficult. The only way to reverse this is by fasting and cleansing in what has come to be known as “detoxing.” The accumulation of dead food compounds inside the body render the intestines rather useless, and thus you can consume all the nutrients you want, you won’t absorb most of them and you will remain unhealthy.
This is why many in the “whole-foods plant-based” or “raw vegan” movement encourage others to at least eat only raw fruits and veggies part of the month, because otherwise you will never reach optimal health, especially if you ate the typical Western diet for any length of time before going vegan.
Our bodies are full of mummified, indigestible garbage, and the only way to purge it is to progressively “cleanse” the digestive track with water-soluble fruits and veggies, fiber, and healing phytonutrients.
At the root of all this there is a behind-the-scenes process, however.
What we would call poor digestive absorption is actually sluggish, coagulated energy. The subatomic reflects onto the physical. If you have “energy” blockages, the digestive issues will remain. Again, the only way to completely heal is with an holistic approach. All the multivitamins in the world can’t heal an energy blockage. That can only be done with living food that actually has life energy.
Real Food is Fuel
There’s one reason why animals consume food: it’s our fuel.
Though we have become accustomed to appreciating the taste of various foods, and the ingenious dishes we come up with, at the end of the day, the reason we evolved to consume fruits, vegetables, leaves, seeds, and other natural materials, is to fuel our cellular processes.
Our bodies actually have to use up fuel to digest most of the “food” we eat, hence the reason why after many meals we feel sluggish, tired, apathetic, and even downright sleepy after a big cooked meal. This is the opposite of what is supposed to happen.
One of the most arduous tasks our bodies have to perform is digestion of empty dead food.
Integral to the idea of the digestive process is getting enough energy and nutrients from the food you eat to both “pay for” the energy it takes to digest it in the first place and end up with a net positive to keep the body alive and charged up for what it needs to do throughout the day. The natural process of consuming food is supposed to give us energy, not rob us of it, but this is exactly what happens whenever we eat many kinds of processed and preserved foods.
Our bodies need to literally expend energy just to mine nutrients from the wasteland of crap we put into our bodies, and push all of the useless empty material through our struggling intestines and colon.
The end result is sluggishness, indigestion, acid reflux, bloating, constipation, nutritional deficiencies, and in the long run, cancer and organ failure.
When you look at food as fuel, you flip the situation around.
Feed your body vibrant, living fruits and vegetables, and watch how your health soars. This is because, by eating food that is full of energy and the proper compounds to aid in absorption and digestion, you are giving your body everything it needs to complete its tasks, as well as add to its reserves. In this fashion you “grow” your energy, or increase your vibration. This is the digestive process as nature intended, not the absurd artificial eating for taste and nutrition labels that has taken over our society.
If your food doesn’t fuel you, why are you eating it?
You are either consuming electrically dead, empty substances that look and taste nice only because of chemical mummification, or you are eating vibrant, living substances that give our bodies a surplus of energy, as well as plenty of living nutrients that our cells can use to communicate, duplicate, and work properly. You are quite literally what you eat.
We Build Our Bodies With Food
You are what you eat indeed: going off of this famous phrase, let’s take a look at what is actually happening when we take in a piece of food. We take this process for granted, but few stop to think of the implications. What does it mean to truly consume a piece of food? What happens to it along the way?
When we digest food, our bodies work to extract usable substances from the food. This is done in part by enzymes supplied by the body, as well as phytonutrients inside the plants, and any water that is present as well. We typically hear that we use these nutrients to feed and fuel our body, but there’s something more going on here.
Our cells are constantly updating and replacing each other. Every kind of cell in our bodies has a “term limit” so to speak, depending on what its function is and where it is located. Bones and brain cells have long lifespans, whereas blood cells and skin cells have shorter ones.
Our cells work day in and day out, using the energy we supply to them, in order to constantly duplicate and renew our bodies. But cells aren’t just made of globs of “whatever” – they are constructed by the minerals and elements that are in our food.
We need all kinds of nutrients, including calcium, zinc, and even copper, in order to give our cells everything they need to make other happy, healthy cells. If there is a lack of nutrients, cells will leech these nutrients from reserves, and depending on where and what these reserves are, this is where we encounter problems. The bones and muscles are where many of our nutrients reside, and they will be leeched to keep cellular processes alive. If there is a severe lack of nutrients, cells will be “born” incomplete or defective.
In a normal body, these defective cells are quickly killed off and assimilated, but in a weak, nutritionally deficient body, they linger and further reproduce, and this is one of the onsets of cancer and other kinds of critical illnesses.
If you feed your body garbage, your cells will quite literally have to make your body out of garbage. Your bones will be brittle, your hair will be thin, your skin will be dry, your bowels will malfunction.
You won’t breathe right, your immune system will be impaired and you’ll constantly get sick. Your body will always reflect what you put inside it, because you are made of the nutrients you intake. If you lack any one nutrient, this manifests as a disease or nutritional deficiency.
If you lack several, you will be ill, because you will physically constructed with ramshackle parts. Your cells will always strive to duplicate and reconstruct your body according to the signals they get from their DNA. If there is nothing good present to reconstruct your body out of, it will make do with what it has. Even if it has to leech nutrients from your very bones to do it.
When you eat, it is of vital importance to feed your body nutrient-dense, living food that is worthy of being your cellular “building material.” Every nutrient you put into your body can become another brick or patch in the great tapestry of your body.
If you are feeding yourself nothing but bleached grains and chemicals, you are giving your body very limited options to build with, and disease is the inevitable result. Your body needs high vibration, living food as much as possible in order to be at optimal health, and this can only be achieved with raw fruits and vegetables, our optimal sources of energy.
Achieving Health Through Diet
There are many reasons why our species developed these strange eating habits. Eating meat and dairy, creating chemical-laden artificial food and cooking it, these behaviors are common now, but it wasn’t always so. If you are interested in healing your body, however, it’s important to recognize these behaviors and habits for what they are and to let them go. Health can’t be found in mummies and chemicals. This mummy-food we’ve grown accustomed to eating must be thrown in the garbage, to make way for fresh, organic produce and the bounty of the Earth.
The thought of eating only raw fruits and vegetables might be daunting, but it really isn’t necessary. As long as you are giving your body ample fuel, you’re going to know health. The easiest way I’ve found to incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet is with smoothies.
Grab yourself an emulsifier and start making some delicious, nutrient-packed drinks. It’s easier than ever to get your hands on organic produce and fresh ingredients. One need not always get the most fresh and pure options though. Just keep in mind that the fewer steps a food takes from the original source, to your mouth, the better. An organically grown fruit is better than a piece of typical produce, which is better than sugar or syrup “real fruit” filling or preserves, which are still better than chemically constructed “fruit” flavored candies, pastries, and drinks.
Strive to cut out the middlemen in your eating habits. The term “farm to table” has become popular recently and for good reason. Buy local, get to know your farmers and produce suppliers. You can’t always be sure of where your fruits and veggies come from, but the more due diligence you perform, the better quality product you’re going to get, and the better health you’re going to enjoy in the long run.
Your body will thrive the closer you get to a raw plant-based diet.
A little processed food isn’t going to hurt if the majority of what you eat is full of energy and nutrients, but always keep in perspective the fact that your body is constructed out of what you eat. Stop to think, if putting a substance into your body is worth your time.
Health and diet are inherently linked.
You cannot talk about one without the other. If you are looking to relieve the symptoms of an illness, regain strength and stamina, or just feel better in general, you can only ever look first to that which is most integral to your health: what you eat. Our bodies were designed to eat a raw, plant-based diet.
Animals evolved over millions upon millions of years relying on energy-rich, powerful nutrition in order to maintain their health. Without this source of power, we inevitably suffer and fall ill. Give your body what it needs, and health is sure to follow.
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The founder of Digital Sages, Matt has an extensive background in self-mastery and has authored several books on the subject. His goal is to demystify important esoteric subjects and help people transform their lives through self-awareness and personal empowerment.