
We feature a variety of vegan and alkaline smoothies and meal ideas to help you optimize your health.

Tonics and Tinctures, magickal potions in glass bottles

An Alchemist’s Guide to Tonics and Tinctures

In traditional folk medicine, tonics and tinctures were often used to treat a wide range of ailments, from digestive problems to anxiety and stress. Many people still use tonics and tinctures today as a natural alternative to pharmaceutical drugs. However, much of the knowledge of how to do this with alchemical understanding has been lost.

An Alchemist’s Guide to Tonics and Tinctures Read More »

Think Green Smoothies Are Disgusting? Try This Simple Recipe (Perfect for Kids!)

It’s pretty easy to turn your nose up at a green smoothie if you haven’t tried one before. Admittedly, some do come out looking like a kind of alien ooze, but despite how they may look, a well made green smoothie is a delicious and healthy treat. The best part about them would have to

Think Green Smoothies Are Disgusting? Try This Simple Recipe (Perfect for Kids!) Read More »